Monday, August 16, 2010

Do I just look fat?

I've been waiting forever to start this blog. Inspiration has been laying dormant in the recesses of my mind but by the time I put Sofia down for bed, eat and check my email I'm too tired to reach back there and pull something out. Don't really know where to start with this thing. I don't know much about this blogging thing. Is my first post supposed to be an introduction to me? Trust me...there ain't much to say or know. So let me just write about something that has intrigued and somewhat saddened me. I am 8 months pregnant (due October 10th but I'm convinced the doctors are at least 2 weeks off and I really only have like 5 weeks left.) When I was pregnant with my daughter Sofia who turned 2 in July I was showered with comments and compliments and congratulations and questions. Do you know what you're having? When are you due? You are such a beautiful pregnant woman! You are definitely having a boy, I know (they didn't obviously know and they were very wrong.) Doors were opened for me, I was given reduced price hot chocolate at the cafe all the time, people smiled at me after getting a glance of my baby belly. Now, I have literally only had one stranger comment on my pregnancy. This leaves me to ask myself--do I just look fat? Do they see me with my 2 yr old and secretly thing, "Gee, time to lose that baby weight now mum, no?" Or do they see me with my 2 yr old and think-"Well maybe with the first she didn't know what she was getting into but now that she's pregnant with another she deserves no sympathy because she should know exactly what she's getting into"? Am I the only mama pregnant with #2 or 3 or 4 who is noticing this? I mean, I'm not walking around with an empty jar inside labeled "Compliments and comments about my impending bundle of joy please" but it is curious. Ok, well that is my first post. Enjoy.